Saturday, 8 February 2014

Green Phoenix Creativity Workshop

Sunday 2nd March
1 - 4 pm


* Primarily for writers (beginners or old hands) but also useful for artists or anyone in a creative pursuit
* Guided meditation to help unlock your creative centre
* Group drawing/writing exercises to re-wire your creative circuits, plus solo writing time
* Creativity enhancement  techniques ~ Come prepared for some "serious play”
* Pressure-free experience;  Share what you create at the end of the session if you wish.  Or not!  The purpose of the day is to exercise your creative muscles, not to "produce something".  
* Followed by tea/coffee & cake

Requirements:  Anyone age 16 to 100; dress comfortably; bring notepad or sketchpad, pencil/pen. (Or laptop or iPad if you prefer)  There is one very small bit of "advance homework" which will be sent to you by email before the day.  

To reserve your place please REGISTER AT
BY 23RD FEBRUARY.  Due to the informal, intimate nature of the workshop, there are only a limited number of spaces available, so don’t delay!  If you miss a spot in this free “taster”workshop, we will let you know the workshop schedule for 2014-2015.  Leave message at Green Phoenix Productions FACEBOOK page.

THE VENUE:   Bulliondale Cottage Retreat Centre, 
Avonbridge Scotland FK1 2NQ

We are quite thrilled to be offering this creative writing workshop at  Bulliondale Cottage Retreat Centre.  Jen Lim is nurturing her plans for future events at the retreat house which is set atop a hill  overlooking the village of Avonbridge, immediately surrounded by a wildlife site, a historic stone quarry, and the River Avon.  Bulliondale features sunlit rooms, lovely stone-lined decks for contemplation, and paths to walk right out the door.  

Bulliondale—as the name implies—is a place of rich resources for mining precious peace, solitude and quiet inspiration.  We love word play, so we sometimes also spell it “Boulliondale”, as it also provides a place for mixing the rich broth of creativity with the peaceful surroundings of nature.  (One of Jen's retreat-centre concepts is group veggie chopping and soup-making in the big kitchen whilst  sharing warmth, ideas and insights). 
Please feel free to arrive early for a wee walk before “doors open”, or stay to take one after the workshop.  

For more information on the opportunities and events at Bulliondale Cottage, or to suggestion one, contact us whilst Jen Lim is still brainstorming.  Leave Message via Facebook's Green Phoenix Productions page. 

IMAGE:  "Abandoned Writer's Cabin", Kathy Buckalew (c) 2010              
found at
Used with Permission 

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